I came to Astrology as a non-believer. What Debra taught me is that Astrology is so much more than just our Sun Sign and what your horoscope says in the Sunday paper. I came to accept and love those aspects I thought were unlovable as just part of who I am. I believe that the possibility for change exists in each moment and is available to us all.

Sher has studied with Debra Silverman and completed all 3 three levels in her Applied Astrology School. She is currently seeking her certification through Debra.
She has also studied with Colette Baron-Reid. She has completed Personal Mastery and Shared Wisdom. She is a Certified Oracle Card Guide® and Intuitive Coach.
She has completed The Certified Card Reader Online Class and Certified Angel Card Reader Online Video Course through Hay House Online Learning.
Venus Retrograde in May/June 2020
Did you know that Venus is both the Evening Star and the Morning Star! She will be disappearing behind the sun soon and already has begun to descend into the glare of setting sun ending on June 3, 2020. Afterward, she is not visible then she emerges again. She transitions from the Evening Star to …
New Moon in Gemini
The high road of Gemini is to speak from your heart with kindness and wisdom, it is respectful and their words serve the collective. A Gemini in alignment with their purpose speaking their truth is powerful and awesome to hear. The new moon for you personally is a time to start new and this new …
Taurus New Moon
Depending on where you are, today or tomorrow is the New Moon in Taurus. In Astrological terms, a new moon is when the sun and moon stand together. With the sun’s light blocked by the moon, the moon is there in the sky but it is dark or hidden from us. The new moon is …
Sher Rhein, Austin TEXAS
email Sher at sher@sherseden.com
Call during business hours 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Central time Monday through Friday